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  • Writer's pictureJalot Villit

Arkistojen kätköistä: Rovaniemi Sustainability Jam 2015

Rovaniemi Sustainability Jam (RoiSusJam) was held on 30.10.2015 – 01.11.2015 at the University of Lapland Sinco laboratory. The project itself is called Global Sustainability Jam. The event weekend took place in different cities at the same time all over the World (Miami, Dubai, Italy, Australia, etc). RoiSusJam was involving students from University of Lapland and Lapland University of Applied Sciences. The students were from Finland, Lithuania, Russia, Vietnam, Ukraine, and China. We also used Skype to connect with Turku Sustainability Jam.

The project was created to attract people who are interested in service design, sustainability and creativity. The motto: ’’48 hours to save the world”. The main task was to create an idea, prototype the idea, test it with potential customers, and finish the prototype by creating a video. Three entrepreneurs from Rovaniemi came to give feedback to our ideas.

The event was very intensive. It required a lot of brainstorming and thinking. Decision making process was faster because of the time limit. It made us feel that we don’t have time to create a perfect product but we were amazed how much we managed to do in just a short time. We actually created a prototype and tested it!

It could be a great idea to implement this kind of 48-hour intensive creation process in tourism product development. It was fun to see how such an abstract task transformed into three different practical ideas. Time limit forced us to focus on the project and didn’t think about anything else. It was a nice experience to work with service design in multicultural groups, and try to save the world. The university environment provided a perfect opportunity to bloom our creativity.

Best regards, Asta and Toma

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Arkistojen kätköistä: Hallituksen joulutervehdys

Tänä syksynä on kirjoitettu esseitä, istuttu tenttejä ja edustettu kulttuuritapahtumissa ahkerasti. Nyt on aika paeta yliopiston pimeiltä käytäviltä sesonkitöihin, etelän lomille ja pyhien viettoon. T

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